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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to embed YouTube videos in your Facebook profile

So you want to embed YouTube videos in your Facebook profile? You have come to the correct place. I will show you how to do this using the Application YouTube Box.

Step 1 - In the Facebook search box type in "YouTube Box" and click in the "Go to Application" button (You need to be logged in to Facebook first)

Step 2 - Click on the "Allow" button on the Request for Permission page

Step 3 - Click on the "Remove" button to remove the default videos.

Step 4 - Click on the "Add Video" link in the "All My Items" tab

Step 5 - Enter the Title and the embed code from YouTube and click on the "Add" button

Step 6 - Now go to your profile and click on the "Add new tab" button and search for YouTube Box

You should see something similar to the image below where I have added the video 
Science and the Quran ( WARNING - This video may cause you to ThinK ) - Part 2 of 2

YouTube video embeded in Facebook

Congratulation, You are done..


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